How To Start Losing Weight - Useful Tips For Beginners

In today’s world where there is processed food literally everywhere. One really needs to understand the consequences of consuming such food for a longer time and trust me they are bad. Being overweight can cause serious health conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, and so much more. It is now high time that everyone starts taking their health seriously. And those who have never been on a diet and don’t want to quit their favorite food, Don’t worry! This blog is just for you. We will explore the best diet plan for beginners in this blog.
As a beginner, it is difficult to stick to strict diet plans. And it is equally difficult and exhausting to do the gym regularly. So, what is the best way to lose weight for beginners then? The answer is intermittent fasting. It is the most efficient way to lose weight as it is easy to maintain for a longer time.
What Is Intermittent Fasting?
It is a form of dieting where you don’t have to quit your favorite foods. In intermittent fasting, you have to fast for a certain time, as in you can’t eat in that time frame. You have an eating window where you can eat and then a fasting window where you can only have water and sugar-free coffee, tea, green tea, or any other calorie-free beverages. You don’t have to do anything else. This makes it the best and easy diet plan for beginners.
Types Of Intermittent Fasting
- 12:12
12:12 is an easy intermittent fasting plan to start with. In this, you have a 12-hour fasting window, where you can’t have food and a 12-hour eating window where you can have your food.
- 14:10
This can be the second stage. In this intermittent fasting plan, you have a fasting window of 14 hours and 10 hours eating window.
- 16:8
Similarly, in the 16:8 intermittent fasting plan, you have to fast for 16 hours. And restrict your eating in an 8 hour span. This is the most popular plan and most effective as well.
There are a few other types that involve alternate-day fasting and all. But you don’t have to get into those complicated fasting plans. The above-mentioned three are the best for beginners. While intermittent fasting will be effective on its own, you can still consider quitting some unhealthy processed food for better health. And be mindful of your eating habits. You can start having more fruits and vegetables, stop overeating, take smaller portions of meals, and so on.
Along with intermittent fasting, you can incorporate a few lifestyle changes and it will become the most effective diet plan for weight loss. You can do activities like:
- Walking instead of driving for shorter distances
- Climbing stairs
- Doing an outdoor activity like gardening, hiking, or swimming
You can do whatever you like to do that involves movement.
But remember not to lose too much weight in a short period as it will lead to nutritional deficiencies. Generally, it is safer to lose 2 pounds per week. If it goes beyond, it might cause some health issues.
We can guide you and give you personalized diet plans so that it becomes easy and convenient for you to achieve your weight loss goals. We are here to help, contact us now and get to know more about our fast weight loss programs.